Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Together for a cleaner environment

On the 15th of April ADRA Reflect team organised a cleaning action together with the Roma children that attend ADRA centre. The propose was to clean the environment around the centre and the neighbourhood were the Roma community lives. 
Every child, who was present this day got a paper on his belly where was written “Duam Qytetin te paster”, which means “we want a clean environment”. With gloves and rubbish bags the children went into the street collecting as much rubbish as they could.
During this action the children were very proud of what they were doing and we could see in their eyes their happiness. In the way to the Roma community two Roma children became part of our group; they wanted to contribute in this action. 
Florena a non Roma girl, who is attending regularly ADRA Albania centre, was walking hand in hand with another Roma girl picking up the rubbish from the street. 
The children were not able to clean the whole street from the rubbish but after all that was not our aim. The purpose of the project was to raise the children´s awareness for their own environment and also to impart the importance and the beauty of a clean nature. 
At the end of the cleaning action we put all the full garbage bags into the container. 
It seems like the children really wrote the message of our initiative into their heart and would like to impart the idea of “loving a clean environment”.

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