Monday, 1 December 2014

International Day for Elimination of Violence against Women - The day in which the voice of all those abused, violated and discriminated women can be heard, because this is the day that speaks for their rights.

On 25th of November 2014, REFLECT team had organized an activity with the Roma women and girls which was focused on the topic of gender violence. 13 women and girls from the Roma community of Fushe-Kruja took part in the discussion that highlighted the right that a woman has within the society where she lives. To make this activity more impressive, a video made by ADRA Albania treating the phenomenon of Domestic Violence was presented to them. While discussing some of the women said: “Our men usually use force against us because they are stronger and think that this is their right”, “We don’t accept the idea to be abused but what can we do” said another woman. The activity was concluded with a march from the ADRA centre to the Roma community where all the women and children became part of by sharing the same message. During this march the women were holding a banner written by them: “Stop Violence”, while the children had in their hands smaller banners where was written “I love you mum”.

On 27th of November 2014 realized a training with the Roma boys focused on the topic of Gender violence in the framework of the 16 Days of Activism against Gender Based Violence (25 November – 10 December 2012). 10 Roma boys shared their ideas about Gender Violence and during the discussion one of them said “In reality the young generation does not violate their women. This phenomenon is more present among the old men and women in the Roma community”. 
The activity was concluded with an awareness campaign inside the Roma community, where the Roma boys shared different messages like: “Teach your Sons to Respect Women and Real Men don’t Hit Women”. The idea of realizing an awareness campaign came from the boys who spread this message to all the men in the community”

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